The main educational material that will be developed for the purposes of SIA-ProD is the Teacher Self-Assessment Assistant (TSAA) and the Self-Improvement Educational Package (SIEP).
Teacher Self-Assessment Assistant (TSAA)
The Teacher Self-Assessment Assistant (TSAA) will be developed based on the Discrete Choice Modeling (DCM) approach. The TSAA will contain the most important attributes for promoting physical activities in ECEC.
Self-Improvement Educational Package (SIEP)
The Development of the Self-Improvement Educational Package (SIEP) will be developed based on the attributes contained in the Teacher Self-Assessment Assistant (TSAA) in order to include supportive materials for all the dimensions of promoting physical activities in ECEC. This way, according to the feedback they will receive from the completion of TSAA, they will be able to use the SIEP and design their personal training agenda.