SIA-ProD Fourth Partners’ Meeting, CARDET, Nicosia Cyprus

SIA-ProD Fourth Partners’ Meeting, CARDET, Nicosia Cyprus

The 4th SIA-ProD partners’ meeting was productively held at Classic Hotel, Nicosia, Cyprus, between 25th – 26th January 2018. During the 4th partner meeting, hosted by CARDET, the SIA-ProD consortium reviewed the project’s ongoing implementations and discussed the next steps to be taken.    
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SIA-ProD Training Activities with Italian Trainees  SERN, Bologna, Italy

SIA-ProD Training Activities with Italian Trainees SERN, Bologna, Italy

In the course of the 3rd SIA-ProD partners’ meeting, held in Bologna, Italy, between 4th – 5th September 2017, the first research training with Italian trainees took place. Dr Athanasios Gregoriadis (AUTH) and Dr Vasilis Grammatikopoulos (UoC) introduced the Italian trainees and SIA-ProD consortium to the training activities (O4: Self-improvement phase). To be more specific, the training organisers delivered a-three-parts enlightening training experience on how to use the evaluation scale by the use of scenarios and videos, in the context of SIA-ProD O4: Self-improvement phase. It is anticipated that this training will be organised and delivered during the next SIA-ProD partner meetings in all partner countries.  
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SIA-ProD Second Partners’ Meeting, Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Athens

SIA-ProD Second Partners’ Meeting, Ellinogermaniki Agogi, Athens

SIA-ProD aspires to develop an alternative approach for the professional development of early educators. The project aims to provide to practitioners the methodology and the instruments for self-evaluation and self-improvement with a ‘low cost’ way. To achieve this goal, the project will implement to the educational field an innovative technique named Discrete Choice Modeling (DCM). The DCM is widely used in marketing, biostatistics and other scientific areas, while its use in education is still very sparse. The usefulness of the DCM is that it reveals the real and actual preferences of the responders, by extracting their representations about a topic. By implementing the DCM method in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), the project will develop a self-assessment tool and a self-improvement educational package to investigate and in turn to…
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SIA-ProD Kick-off Meeting at the University of Crete, Rethymno, Greece

SIA-ProD Kick-off Meeting at the University of Crete, Rethymno, Greece

The first SIA-ProD partner meeting took place in Rethymno, in Gallos Campus, at the University of Crete, in Greece, from the 23rd until the 24th November 2016. The SIA-ProD project is a three years project aspiring to develop an alternative approach for the training and professional development of early educators and to provide practitioners with the methodology and the instruments for self-evaluation and self-improvement at low cost. Partners from 4 European countries (Greece, Germany, Cyprus, and Italy) discussed aspects of the implementation of the Discrete Choice Modelling (DCM) method in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC), in the framework of which a self-assessment tool and a self-improvement educational package will be developed to investigate and, in turn, to support the way early childhood educators teach physical activities in their local…
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Ad nullam scripta voluptatibus vim

Ad nullam scripta voluptatibus vim

Vis an dico repudiare interesset, accumsan constituam id nec. Per ne possit intellegat adolescens, eu mel unum maluisset conceptam, vero maiorum oporteat est in. Ius prompta deleniti ne. Sed et libris graecis, has cu mazim iudicabit constituto, assum disputando ne duo. Eam ut legere delicata definiebas, his suas doctus volutpat cu. Nam prima temporibus an, ex melius disputando vim.
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